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'Heartbeats' is an experimental film about a pregnant woman on a journey to the sea. We have chosen to use the sea as the journey's goal because it has several metaphorical meanings. It can be seen as a way of portraying emotions but it also represents the limit of the personal experience, the mother reached the edge and cannot cross the sea.

We have decided to display our work on a 3ft balloon suspended in an open space as the convex shaped of the balloon will help us convey the idea of a womb to the audience. We have been inspired by the work of Katja Loher, a video installation called "Multiverse" made in 2011 where she projects images onto the surface of three suspended weather balloons.
The film is composed of two sequences which will be played at the same time. By using slight movement and fluctuating colours, one of the two sequences explores the textures and tones of the womb. Playing along side this is our second sequence which follows a point of view of the mother's journey to the sea.

The footage was recorded on small spy cameras enabling us to portray an eye-level account of the journey. Besides, the accompanying sound to our piece is a mixture of found heartbeat sounds and our own atmosphere recordings. In order to make the viewer aware of the baby's presence we overlapped the two different sounds so the heartbeat sounds remain during almost all of the film.

The work suggests the idea of being fixated on something lost or unobtainable, possibly an object of love, but it also points out the danger of this psychological state and shows its consequences such as melancholy or even insanity.

Experimental Film. University of Westminster, June 2012
©Lisa Vogel


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